Christy Dailey

Learning to anchor into the joy of Christy throughout life’s crosscurrents
as a wife, mother, lover of Jesus, and many neighbors.

What you will find here

Faith-Based Parenting

I write about faith-based parenting and the joyful struggles I’ve experienced in my 17 years as a mom, the lessons of grace, and the much needed mercies received. I’ll also share some of the stories of incredible parents I have the honor to do life with.

Knowing Jesus

I write about knowing and learning Jesus. Bible devotions, prayers, and encouragements to reflect what I believe the Spirit is saying or what I’m meditating on or wrestling with. Recognizing and pointing to joy in the presence of Joy Himself has become the passion and mission of my heart over the past few years and I am so humbled to share the pursuit with this community.

Postpartum Wellness

I write about Postpartum health and wellness. I believe the space around a laboring person is sacred ground and it continues to be so as she progresses through life adjustment post-delivery. I care deeply about these moments and I have walked through a myriad of circumstances myself and with families in my community. Jesus cares deeply about all of life, and here I share stories to support and encourage women to join in His heart for them to thrive!

Creative Writings

I write creatively in the moments when the heart and soul can only be expressed through a Psalmist voice. These are my personal prayers and musings that I hope will allow you to feel the freedom to connect with your Creator in a intimate and raw honesty, knowing He already knows your innermost being, and loves you deeply.

What I can do for you

Some of the most impactful moments we experience happen when we are just given a safe space to fall apart. I know that sounds super unappealing, but also… maybe the thought brings tears to your eyes a little bit? Or maybe you feel like you can let out the breath you didn’t realize you’ve been holding in.
The purpose behind my writing is simply this: to give my readers a place to recognize joy and stillness in every season of life. Sometimes we need to hear that nothing more is expected of you – you are beloved “as is” – and Hope and Peace and Joy is always present in the person of Jesus, who anchors your soul and invites you to breathe as He carries the weight of all that troubles you.

I love encouraging ‘realness’ within community. A strong village promotes vulnerability and points one another towards growth. We need each other. We need to know we are safe to be who we are – fully known and wholly loved. The tribe we build here celebrates our need of the perpetual rescue of Christ.

Black and white headshot of Christy Dailey. Photo credit: Charity Kolbo of

My Story

I was born and raised in Santa Barbara County along the beautiful central coast of California. My parents put Jesus in the center of our home and music was our unifying love language. In 2002, at the well-rounded and totally adultish age of 19, I married the great love of my life. We joined the Californian exodus to the desert and now live in Phoenix with our 5 children. And although that might paint the loveliest of mental pictures, at many times, life has been wrought with sorrow, confusion, loneliness, and heartbreak. I am used to countless sleepless nights and am no stranger to seasons of wandering through very death-like, shadowy valleys.

The truth of what is good is not erased by the seasons of darkness. It of It has been through these times of grief and pain that my love for Jesus and His people has been stretched, strengthened and anchored. I’ve learned that my life is not my own and all of it, the whole of it, can be used for the benefit of others. I will be the first to tell you that I know practically nothing about most things! But I do know Jesus. I know His character. And I experience His perpetual rescue as often as I take a breath.

Pain, grief, and shame are the the great unifying experiences of humanity. We cannot escape its touch. Often, its grip is beyond anything we know how to escape. My prayer is that those who read the words I craft here would see Jesus more clearly after each post. That as we journey together, we would rest assured as we come to know Him better. That our striving would cease, and that our love for one another and the world around us would mirror the expansion of our horizons and worldview, while we anchor into Him who is our source of all joy and life.

Want to team up?

If you’re interested in working together on a project, I’d love to chat!

Join the Conversation!

I would love to continue sharing with you! I send out occasional creative writings, curated stories, encouragement, and other anchoring content that can’t be found on the blog! I also give sneak peeks on the progress of my first book, all exclusively for email subscribers! I am excited to connect with you…